Public Policy

As Washington State’s only trade association laser-focused on economic development, WEDA is committed to recovering, retaining, recruiting and expanding jobs and re-investment across all of Washington.

WEDA’s 2023 Legislative Agenda focuses on the most critical actions lawmakers and agencies can take to help communities across Washington recover and grow living wage jobs, foster vibrant and resilient communities, support equity and opportunity for all and spark re-investment.

WEDA’s Top Economic Recovery Legislative Priorities:

View the complete WEDA 2023 Legislative Agenda

Additional WEDA Priorities

Workforce Development

In a global economy, human capital is an essential ingredient that drives business innovation, growth and competitiveness. WEDA supports Washington’s 12 Local Workforce Development Boards who apply an equity lens to meeting talent pipeline needs with innovative, data-driven solutions. 

Housing Affordability & Supply

WEDA will support legislation to improve housing affordability and expand opportunities for housing at all income levels, particularly workforce housing.WEDA will support legislation to improve housing affordability and expand opportuni- ties for housing at all income levels, particularly workforce and attainable housing.

Clean/Green Economy

WEDA supports programs and funding to create jobs in the Clean Economy including the circular economy, hydrogen, fusion, solar, wind and other renewable technologies while also maintaining a balanced approach.


State agency rule proposals should address their impact on economic development. WEDA supports permit streamlining/efficiency initiatives that increase predictability in development.

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